T(N)C / Tina Kult and Agnes Varnai ft Madeline Hall

T(n)C was founded in 2017 by Agnes Varnai and Tina Kult. They live and work in Vienna and experiment with a wide range of media, including virtual reality, 3D, installation, sculpture and film. By combining the different disciplines, they are researching immersive experiences to connect the digital and physical levels of realities. They aims to expand the practices of collective storytelling with a collaborative approach. 

The works of the collective have been exhibited at numerous locations in Austria and Germany. In 2022 they participated in the European Media Art Platform Residency Program at FACT, Liverpool.

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T(N)C / Tina Kult and Agnes Varnai ft Madeline Hall

T(N)C / Tina Kult and Agnes Varnai ft Madeline Hall

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