You Are Light and Cabbage

Rijksmuseum Twenthe
Lasondersingel 129 - 131, 7514 BP Enschede

You Are Light and Cabbage is a video sculpture that serves as an altar dedicated to a wellness influencer symbolized by a cabbage head. The project aims to illustrate how social media is being exploited to spread misinformation, COVID conspiracies, and far-right ideologies by engaging in discourse rooted in magical thinking.

Cabbagehead’s message is addressed to its three followers: the yoga mum, the entrepreneur and the tennis player, each one referring to an existing character in real life.

When the characters crash into a rock and die, a cabbage head deity preaches to them about reconnecting with nature and ways in which they could find peace within themselves.

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Diana Gheorghiu

Diana Gheorrghio is a Romanian visual artist living and working in The Hague, NL. Her output comprises computer-generated characters which are framed within static images, videos, and installations. She uses computer-generated characters to explore the topics of self-care, new food, and the wellness industry. Her work offers a critique of the pressure on the individual that wellness establishes, claming this provokes a sense of guilt and anxiety. Throughout the years her artistic output has been shown in The Netherlands, USA, UK, Italy and Romania.