Wishing Well

Sickhouse at Vestzaktheater
Walstraat 35, 7511 GG Enschede

Wishing Well is an interactive sound installation that showcases the story of a mythical character who, feeling lost and alone, whispers their desire to meet their kin into a magical well. In return, the well echoes the voices of unheard ancestors, telling stories and myths never archived and long forgotten. As a magical vessel, these voices connect, creating a sense of togetherness through eternal singing, transcending temporalities and physicalities.

Wishing Well was presented by SasaHara as their graduation piece from the Sandberg Instituut in 2024 (program re:master opera). In this extended version of the work, Sasa collaborates with Alex Olloman to research and experiment with the design of a collective spiritual practice using the voice and the Wishing Well as tools of resistance. Sasa and Alex are also collaborating with Nathan Marcus who created a new spatialized sound-design for the installation.

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SasaHara Ghanem-Chaney is a multidisciplinary artist born in Paris and based in Amsterdam since 2017. With a background in public space art management, and cultural economics they worked in the cultural field as a public programmer, exhibition producer and fundraiser.