
Grote Kerk
Oude Markt 32, 7511 GB Enschede
7-10 sept

In this work, Micha Klein makes a capsule (is it medicine, drugs?) with arms and legs come alive by means of computer animation. The Pillman is dancing cheerfully in the spotlights on a stage, with a broad smile on its face and dilated pupils. How come?

This work by Klein is from the 90's and became iconic, it paved the way for other digital artist and helped unleash the digital revolution that transformed photography and art forever. Pillman was even used by rapper Eminem in a video where the rappers famous alter ego slim shady was featured by the happy capsule.

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Micha Klein

Micha Klein, punk rocker and skateboarder, with a passion for music, art and fashion. His works feature monumental photo-panels utilizing diverse digital techniques and styles, and can be seen in galleries and  museums worldwide. His digital "paintings" draw attention with  their bright colors and smooth surfaces, but show underneath, a unique  world with references to art history and pop culture.