New New Babylon: Study for a crisis-topia

Rijksmuseum Twenthe
Lasondersingel 129 - 131, 7514 BP Enschede

How will our world look in the future?

Artist and researcher Jonas Staal envisions a role for artists in thinking about and imagining the future. Together with people with lived experiences, Staal explores what the region of Twente might look like in the future. The insights from these discussions then serve as a foundation for a future exploration of the Twente region, where we live more harmoniously with the Earth.

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Jonas Staal

Jonas Staal is a Dutch visual artist and activist known for his work at the intersection of art, politics, and activism. His projects often explore the relationships between art, propaganda, and power, and they typically involve large-scale installations, public interventions, and participatory actions.

Foto: Aad Hoogendoorn / Mondriaan Fonds