Make it Fit

Black Brick
Hoge Bothofstraat 31F, 7511 ZC Enschede

Check the timetable for performance times!

Make It Fit is a performance, functioning as speech, manifesto, poetry, concert, and ritual. It constructs a theatrical situation through the precise composition of spoken words, live instruments, scenography, and meticulous mechanical enactments. The phrase “Make It Fit” recurs throughout the performance in varying contexts and rhythms.

Appropriating the language of propaganda by grotesque chanting, stating disassembling, contextualizing and repeating, language becomes the in-between of sound and sense, signal and noise, narrative and poetry. Make It Fit addresses political urgencies, institutional critique and identity politics. While we search for a 'fitting' way to escape the confines of 'fitting in,’ we also yearn for the security and comfort that ‘fitting’ brings.

Make it fit will be performed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Black Brick Underground (new address- navigate to Bothofstraat 29 and follow the GOGBOT signs!).

Grab your tickets


Tingyi Jiang

Tingyi Jiang is a multidisciplinary artist and performer based in The Hague. She graduated from the ArtScience Interfaculty at the Royal Academy of Art and the Conservatory of The Hague. Tingyi is deeply interested in ‘performance as a means of engaging with the world’, a concept she explores through her practice, what she calls "situation-specific performance."

Audience interaction and response are often integral to her performances, and feed back into the situation. Within this framework, she investigates themes of identity, memory, the performativity of language, and the relationship between the individual and authority.