Lumi - The living house

Oude Markt
Oude Markt, 7511 HC Enschede

Commissioned by Cross-TIC, a theatre production is set up with a ‘living’ tiny house as set, stage and character. This house will walk on robotic chicken legs (think Baba Yaga‘s hut meets an AT-ST) and will be on the run for the incoming tide.

The goal is to develop this house as living, moving technology – and develop narrative, stories, pop-up performances and a (non-linear) theatre concept. Climate, community and artificial intelligence are the major themes for the story. Also during the artistic process AI will be explored as development tool.

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Edwin 13

Edwin Dertien is a Dutch roboticist, artist, and educator known for his interdisciplinary work that bridges the gap between technology and art. He has a background in both engineering and the arts, which allows him to create projects that are both technically complex and aesthetically engaging. He works on projects involving (autonomous) robots, both from an engineering and artistic interest.