
Oude Markt
Oude Markt, 7511 HC Enschede

In a futuristic interpretation of Winti rituals, an entity known as KOIRI emerges. Positioned at the heart of the space is a totem acting as a conduit for the entity. As the performer and the entity engage in the ritual, utilising the totem as a vessel of communication, their combined performance embodies KOIRI. The performative installation consists of a selfmade instrument that sits on the hips as a belt, these sensors transmit the movements to the computer where it is being converted to trigger and modulate sound and light.

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Rachwill Breidel

Rachwill Breidel is a multidisciplinary artist from Amsterdam, known for his innovative work in sound, installation, and performance art. With a background in design and electronic music production, Breidel explores the intersection of technology, ritual, and performance. His work is inspired by his environment, such as Winti (Surinamese belief system) Trough immersive experiences that blend sound, light, and movement he aims to bring people into an altered state and create transcendent phenomena.