Kindness Practice

Stroinksbleekweg 16, 7523 ZL Enschede

With Kindness Practice, Handi Kim develops a playful methodology that highlights the importance of humanity, kindness, and mutual interaction for us and future generations.

Handi's artistic practice focuses on creating stories and worlds that reflect the darker sides of society. In her work, she gives a voice to marginalized groups and addresses themes such as oppression and discrimination. She uses visual design, along with a good dose of humor, individuality, and imagination.

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Handi Kim

Handi Kim is a visual artist who gravitates to the visual arts as a means of communicating with other people in a non-verbal way. She followed a development program at Tetem and worked on the new production Kindness Practice. Handi playfully explores the power and value of kindness and collaboration in current and future societies.