Irma Watched Over by Machines

Rijksmuseum Twenthe
Lasondersingel 129 - 131, 7514 BP Enschede

What will be the first sights of the conscious machine? How will it apprehend the world around us? What will it see?

All over the world, there are now well over 250 millions cameras, webcams and surveillance cameras, recording our reality 24/7. The sheer quantity of data made available from hundreds of millions of locations can only be processed by machines, and possibly one day integrated in the super vision of an AI super-consciousness: a hyper being with 250 million eyes. 

The gaze of these cameras has become the prism by which we are able to theorize and disengage from events that otherwise would harm us. Unharmed, unaffected und undisturbed the camera keeps recording.

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Troika is a London bades, Franco-German contemporary art group formed by Eva Rucki (DE), Conny Freyer (DE) and Sebastien Noel (FR) in 2003.

Working across media in sculpture, film, installation, and painting, their work contemplates humanity’s experiences and attitudes towards new technologies and how these transform our understanding and relationships to nature, each other and the wider world. Their artworks broach themes that include artificial intelligence, algorithmic data, forms of life, virtual and physical representation systems.