I Dance Alone

Grote Kerk
Oude Markt 32, 7511 GB Enschede
7-10 sept

For I Dance Alone the artist observed dance floors from a bird's eye view or what used to be called the divine perspective. Crowds are analyzed as microscopic samples. Zooming into the dancing gestures and anonymous dancing bodies provided extensive knowledge and insight in club culture and its transformation in times of socio-political changes. Dancing crowds are like the clouds in the sky: announcing changing weather conditions or the sensing of times of shifts and urgencies that are about to come. In these dancing/trancing/raves, drugs play a major role.

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Bogomir Doringer

Bogomir Doringer is a Serbian artist who got his bachelor's degree from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam and graduated cum laude from the Master of Film program at the Netherlands Film Academy. He is currently enrolled in a Ph. D. at the University of Applied Arts Vienna with the ongoing research project I Dance Alone.

An artist interested in ascertaining and researching various social phenomena that are the consequence of social-political interactions. These phenomena manifest itself on bodies and in bodies of humans (people), crowds. It is important the size of the phenomena and amount of people gathered around it.