Dépaysement | Youngblood


With Dépaysement Isabel Waller provides alternative perspectives on human matter and tries to invent a representation of a new being. By merging materials to create a new skin she gives human matter a new meaning. A familiar part of life is made strange again, unsettling yet exciting.

Movement guides the materials in exploring individual and collective existence. Waller aims to activate feelings of estrangement and challenge the narrative of how we perceive, define and use human matter. Through this she gains a better understanding of the relationship between human matter and the mask.

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Isabel Waller

Isabel Waller graduated at the Willem de Kooning academy in 2024. She has a profound fascination for masks and masking. Sparked by an interest in humans, their behavior, and communication through facial expressions, emotions and body language. She covers essential parts of the body to play with the limits of where the body ends and the 'other' begins, to create a representation of a new being and creating tension between body and material.