Calculating Empires: A Genealogy of Technology and Power

Rijksmuseum Twenthe
Lasondersingel 129 - 131, 7514 BP Enschede

This 24-meter-long work is a timeline, divided into different themes. The progress of time is shown from top to bottom, from the year 1500 to the present. The four main themes are shown from left to right: communication, calculation, classification, and control. By identifying how technology, devices, power and social structures have been intertwined throughout the centuries, we get a better understanding of all the crazy shit that happened up until the present day. The information gained might help us prevent some of the many, many difficult problems facing us in the future.

Photo: Piercarlo Quecchia / Fondazione Prada

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Kate Crawford & Vladan Joler

Kate Crawford is a prominent American researcher and academic known for her work on the social, ethical, and political implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. She's a co-founder of the AI Now Institute at New York University, which focuses on studying the impact of AI on society, including issues of fairness, accountability, and transparency. Her research often delves into how AI technologies intersect with issues like labor, inequality, and power dynamics.

Vladan Joler is a Serbian artist, researcher, and educator known for his work in exploring the intersection of technology, society, and visual culture. His work often investigates the hidden infrastructures and systems that underpin digital technologies and their social implications. Joler is a co-founder of the Share festival, which focuses on digital culture and social issues.