A Bestiary of the Anthropocene

Rijksmuseum Twenthe
Lasondersingel 129 - 131, 7514 BP Enschede

A Bestiary of the Anthropocene is an illustrated compilation of hybrid creatures of our time, inspired by medieval bestiaries and observations of our damaged planet. Designed as a field handbook, it aims at helping us observe, navigate, and orientate into the increasingly artificial fabric of the world.

Plastiglomerates, surveillance robot dogs, antenna trees, Sars-Covid-2, drone-fighting eagles, standardised bananas… each of these specimens are symptomatic of the rapidly transforming “post-natural” era we live in.

The work seeks to capture this precise moment when the biosphere and technosphere merge and mesh into one new hybrid body. What happens when technologies and their unintended consequences become so ubiquitous that it is difficult to define what is “natural” or not?

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Disnovation.org is the name of the contemporary art duo consisting of Maria Roszkowska and Nicolas Maigret based in Paris, france. They merge contemporary art, research & hacking to critically translate complex eco-social debates into operative and provocative exhibits. They create radical artworks staged as large lab experiments focused on energy, ecology and economics that work as catalysts for crafting futures that diverge from prevailing narratives. Their shows, books and videos permeate global cultural landscapes fostering a critical dialogue at the nexus of artistic, political and scientific inquiry.