564 tracks (Not a Love Song Is Usually a Love Song)

Rijksmuseum Twenthe
Lasondersingel 129 - 131, 7514 BP Enschede

Can we use AI to better understand the past, and perhaps even predict future events?

Trakilović studied pop music made in Yugoslavia between 1989-1992 for their similarities to war-related sounds to look for premonitions of the war in Bosnia (1992 - 1995). The result is an audio installation where an algorithm creates an endless composition combining music with the sounds of war.

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Miloš Trakilović

Miloš Trakilović is a Bosnian-Dutch artist. His practice revolves around the politics of perceptibility exploring issues of dissolution; fragmentation, memory and loss. His topical interest is the role of vision in the construction of meaning and production of power following the digital turnover. His work is most often situated within digital media in the form of moving image, installation, lectures and writings.

Photo: Joseph Kadow