Maher Almalek & Mellis Nitus

Mellis Nitus

"Every collaboration is a search for connection, meaning, and freedom for Mellis. He often delves into other cultures and worlds together with artists who have a strong connection to them. Mellis tries to better understand the world through his art. He takes his viewers along on his journey, which takes the form of paintings, music, or installation art."

Maher Almalek

"Maher is a digital artist, animator, and creator of miniature models. He uses various tools and techniques to bring what comes up in his imagination to life. 'I am inspired by both the beauty and the ugliness of reality.' For his paintings, Maher mainly draws inspiration from nature, while his miniatures are primarily inspired by his own imagination. In his animation work, he brings these two elements together to life."

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Maher Almalek & Mellis Nitus

Maher Almalek & Mellis Nitus

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