Poppi Drugs Museum

WARP Technopolis
Stationsplein 1A 7511 JD, Enschede
7-10 sept

The Poppi Drugs Museum will show two of its works art GOGBOT: The XTC-shop en Tales from the Drug Closet. In The XTC shop we look at a possible future in which MDMA is regulated and sold, how should such a shop look like and what do we need to take into account? Tales from the Drug Closet lets people talk about their experiences with drugs. Be it good, bad or everything in between. No judgement.

Poppi Drugs museum is an initiative of stichting Mainline and was founded in 2019 to open up the conversation about drugs. They support the rights and health of people who want to use drugs by creating a safe space to talk and learn about drugs. They create artworks and stories, which are presented at pop-ups, events and festivals throughout the country, until they find a permanent spot on an A-location in the capital!

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Poppi Drugs Museum

The mission of Poppi Drugs Museum (an initiative of the Mainline Foundation) is to foster the health and improve the position in society of people who use drugs. Without primarily aiming to reduce the use of drugs and with respect towards the individual, its possibilities and its freedom of choice.